Sorry for the confusion:
The SP does not give me all the values selected in my select statement when I display the values on my ASP page. However, when I write the same SQL statement on the ASP and execute it, I'll get all the selected values:
Here is how I've tested:
'Execute sp
Set objCmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
objCmd.ActiveConnection = cn
objCmd.CommandText = "AllRecByApp"
objCmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
objCmd.Parameters.Append objCmd.CreateParameter("uid",adInteger,adParamInpu t,,uId)
Set rs1 = objCmd.Execute
Set objCmd = Nothing
arr1 = rs1.getRows()
FOR row=0 TO UBOUND(arr1, 2)
FOR col=0 TO UBOUND (arr1, 1)
response.write arr(col,row)&"<br>"
The for loop above does not print all the selected values in SP
'SQL string on ASP page
strSQL = "SELECT a, b, c, d, e, and so on "_
& " FROM tblApps"_
& " WHERE appId = '"&uId&"';"
Set rs2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RECORDSET") strSQL, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdText
arr2 = rs2.getRows()
FOR row=0 TO UBOUND(arr2, 2)
FOR col=0 TO UBOUND (arr2, 1)
response.write arr(col,row)&"<br>"
This FOR loop print all the selected values and the SQL statement for this recordset is exactly the same as SP.
Hope this clarify what I'm saying.
quote:Originally posted by planoie
quote:Originally posted by niravp
When I invoke this SP from my ASP page I do not get all the selected values on my ASP page. However, I am execute the same select statement directly from my ASP page I get all the selected values.
Could you please clarify this? This statement reads to me that it both works and doesn't work.
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