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SQL Server DTS Discussion specific to Data Transformation Service with SQL Server. General SQL Server discussions should use the general SQL Server forum. Readers of the book Professional SQL Server 2000 DTS with questions specific to that book should post in that book forum.
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Old July 26th, 2005, 07:38 PM
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Default Data Migration from Oracle to SQL Server

Hello Gurus,

As i am new to SQL Server, my qustion might be silly.. but i what to know this.
The version of Oracle: 8i and 9i and SQL Server 2000.

I have to migrate the data from Oracle database to SQL Server. Can i use SQL Server DTS to migrate data from oracle database to SQL Server?

If yes, Can any one suggest me the way to achieve it and the docuemnts to achieve it.

Please help me.. !! as it is very urgent to me.. !!

Many Many thanks in advance for the help.


Old July 27th, 2005, 12:38 AM
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Use the Data Tranformation Services(DTS). See the Sql Server Books on Line for detailed info.

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