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Old September 26th, 2005, 03:49 AM
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Default DTS Fixed Width File Import


I am really new to DTS so please excuse if you find my query to simple.

I have a text file which has lots of records which I am trying to import into a SQL table using a DTS package.

The format of the text file is like this

Field1 ,Field2 ,Field3 ,Field4
Field1 ,Field2 ,Field3 ,Field4
Field1 ,Field2 ,Field3 ,Field4
Field1 ,Field2 ,Field3 ,Field4

As you can see, the text is properly organized but I am facing the following problem

1) [u]If I try to import it as a comma delimited file</u>

   Some of the fields inside the text have comma within them. For example field1 in row 1 is like AA,BB,CC and field1 in row 2 is like FFFF. This causes a problem as DTS puts AA and FFFF in one column and BB and Field2 in the next column and so on. Effectively thus, the no. of columns keep increasing and I end up getting an error
  "non-white spaces have been found at the end of last column"

2) [u]If I try to import it is a fixed width file </u>

 It does extract properly but also places the comma along with the fields in the table. How do I get rid of them?

 I will appreciate if someone can give me a solution fix for both the above methods or atleast one of the above.

Thanks a lot

Old September 26th, 2005, 04:12 AM
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Modify method 2 - create an import table with a one character field between each data field to accept the commas. (e.g. F1, C1, F2, C2 etc). After import, use insert SQL or a DTS transformation to move the imported data to your target table.

Old September 26th, 2005, 04:46 AM
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Thanks a lot abob. Your solution seems to work. Will post again if I face more difficulties. Thanks again

Old September 26th, 2005, 09:12 AM
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Another solution is creating columns for the comma fields in the file properties, your nest step would be just to map the fields you need in the transformation task
This way you eliminate the extra step of a temp table


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