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Old March 31st, 2006, 12:20 AM
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Default How to Create SQL Forms

I've been trying to figure out how I can toggle through my records from a VB6 form and an Access mdb database using SQL. I already created my SQL command in my DataEnvironment, I think I need to setup my ADODC connection string to point to the SQL command; Example: (Select * From table where FieldID = ?). I use this so I can change my SQL as I toggle through records from another table and it pulls just what I need. My problem is setting up the ADODC connection to the SQL command and then making my textboxes inside the form point to the ADODC.

WHen I use ADODC and point to a table, its easy to point my textboxes in my form to the ADODC table and all its fields. This seems to be challenging to do the exact same procedure with SQL. I hope someone has some great suggestion to help me out.


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