Incremental dates in query
Hi guys
I have a table listing customers booked into rooms on particular days. ie:
Booking ID Date Room Customer
19 2005/05/06 Oak Room Davison
19 2005/05/07 Oak Room Davison
16 2005/05/10 Walnut Room Nel
16 2005/05/11 Walnut Room Nel
I want to crosstab it so that it lists each cronological dates with the rooms booked - like:
Date Oak Room Walnut Rom
2005/05/06 Davison
2005/05/07 Davison
2005/05/10 Nel
2005/05/11 Nel
How do I get access to do this - Is there an expression that will make a cronological list of dates to use in the crosstab query?
Please help