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Old February 9th, 2006, 11:50 AM
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Default URGENT Problems in Access 2000

Hi there
Can someone give me some URGENT advice? I have written a database in Access 2003, which for some of the users is used in Access 2000. For these users, I have converted it to 2000 format, but am experiencing some problems. One situation in particular is a form (Bookings) which has a sub form (SalesInput) which in turn has another sub form (SalesSub) . On the Form SalesInput, I have a command button (Command34) which when clicked updates the data in the SalesSub form. In 2003, I use the following code very successfully.

Private Sub Command34_Click()
Dim strMsg As String

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

If IsNull(Me!InvNo) Then
    Label35.Visible = True

    Label35.Visible = False
    DoCmd.GoToControl "SalesSub"
    DoCmd.OpenQuery "InvoiceAppend"
End If
End Sub

However in 2000, it gives me an error on the “DoCmd.Requery” line. Is there a different syntax I should use for 2000?
Thanks to anyone who can help

Old February 10th, 2006, 08:52 AM
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Please post in Microsoft Office > Access VBA

I think the Requery needs a reference. Can you refer to the control in this code? If you are requerying the recordsource for one of your subfoms, I am not sure how you might do that.

A hardcore approach might be to freeze the screen, then close and reopen the whole form system while referring to the current PK on the main form.



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