I am having a similar issue. I have been attempting to connect a VB2005 Express program to a remote SQL '05 Express DB and I get the error message regarding the "File ....Tracker1.mdf, in located on a network path that does not allow database files." I have researched this and I believe it is being caused because I am trying to use the Data Source Connection Wizard to open my database connection at design-time. I would like to try connecting to the database at run-time using code, but I'm not quite sure how to do so. If you could post a code snippet, I'd be very appreciative.
Directory to Network shared folder: IPAddy\dev
Filename : Tracker1.mdf
Table Name: Table1
REason for connection: 1.) To Insert new data into database via Windows Form using txtboxes
2.) To Pull data from Database via User designated info ie: Employee Name = John etc.
Again, any help that you can provide would be very much appreciated.