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Old November 12th, 2003, 02:48 AM
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Default Filenames and directories listing into database.

Hi, i really panick cos i duno how to start actually... i'm totally new to vb.net, my problem lies within vb.net and access2000. Can you guys help?

I have a empty access database called "Kdrive", a table called "Files" and two rows of data called, "filename" and "directory"..

I need to do a windows form that consist of just an update button.
The update button is supposed to look through a folder, go into its sub folders and sub folders within this subfolders.
[ eg: K:\folder\subfolder\subfolder\files ]

After it looks through all the files, it needs to extract all the filenames and the fullpaths to these files and then update all of them into the kdrive database.

However, this command needs to tally the existing data in database with all the files in kdrive.

Can u guys lead me through? i really need to get this done.. at least give me some hints? i really got no idea how to go about doing this thingy.. very sad:(

i'm a beginner, hoping to learn more.. please help... thanks a lot
i\'m a beginner, hoping to learn more.. please help... thanks a lot
Old November 14th, 2003, 09:34 AM
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You will need to use the ADO.NET data objects to access the database. You will also need to use the System.IO namespace objects to access the file structure. Specifically, I believe it's the Directory object and the File object. If you look in the MSDN, you can find examples on all of these objects.

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