I just upconverted a
vb program from vb2005 to vb2008 and ran into a similar issue that doesn't appear to be easy to find anywhere else on the web. the closest i came to an answer was this post, which was very helpful (thank you very much)!
my tool reads lines from a csv file and does stuff with the data. some of the data entries are dates, but because i read a line at a time and split at commas into an array, all entries must come in as strings. in vb2005, this was not an issue: the dates were managed and manipulated like normal strings and everything was fine.
as soon as i upgraded to vb2008, things changed. vb2008 decided it was smarter than its operator, and automatically reconfigured the dates from "MM/dd/yyyy" and "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" to "MM-dd-yyyy" and "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm" respectively.
thankfully, using your CDate().ToString() method, I was able to easily re-reconfigure the strings back to what they originally were. this saved me loads of time reconfiguring the entire program.
Please forward all my mail to the corner of pork & beans.