Please help, I'm working on a solution but any sugestions would be apreciated.
I have a problem when I try to open a .mdb Access database from VC++ 6.0 with ADO. The provider is Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
If I open the database from my hard drive it's all OK but the moment I use the Connection->Open method it creates the .ldb file in the database directory. What I will need to do is to write the database to a CD and try to open it from there. Also the access mode must not be adShareModeExclusive because the database has to be opened by more than one user simultaneosly. Then I have a problem because the .ldb file can not be created on the CD
. Is there a way to change the location of this file or a way not to create it at all?
The code for the connection object looks like this:
_ConnectionPtr DBConnect;
DBConnect->Open(_bstr_t(_T(m_sConnectionString)),"", "",adConnectUnspecified);
Thank you for your time. Hope it works:)