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Old September 15th, 2004, 07:59 AM
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Default Manage the .ldb file when ADO opens a Access .mdb

Please help, I'm working on a solution but any sugestions would be apreciated.

I have a problem when I try to open a .mdb Access database from VC++ 6.0 with ADO. The provider is Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
If I open the database from my hard drive it's all OK but the moment I use the Connection->Open method it creates the .ldb file in the database directory. What I will need to do is to write the database to a CD and try to open it from there. Also the access mode must not be adShareModeExclusive because the database has to be opened by more than one user simultaneosly. Then I have a problem because the .ldb file can not be created on the CD . Is there a way to change the location of this file or a way not to create it at all?

The code for the connection object looks like this:
     _ConnectionPtr DBConnect;

     DBConnect->Open(_bstr_t(_T(m_sConnectionString)),"", "",adConnectUnspecified);

Thank you for your time. Hope it works:)
Old October 18th, 2004, 06:44 PM
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My experience is access needs read write privileges for the folder containing the database so that when you do a query it can create tempary recordsets etc in the Mdb file the LDB file is only for the record locking if multiple users are using it.
If you dont want unautorised access put a password on it and encrypt it.


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