Hi folks,
For my application I need to
1. dynamically add a static text label on a already displayed BMP image
2. changing its font and background color of these dynamically added controls.
I could acheive first by .......
CString StrLabel;
CStatic label[20];
void CImageConfig::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
label[index].Create(StrLabel, WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD,CRect wherelabel[index],sizelabel),this,(UINT)-1);
and 2nd by
But what I need is to change the background and font of these static text (basically number incrementing 1,2,.. n) in run time .. they need to be displayed in 4 different colors during the length of program. I am not able to integrate these two programs together.
If anyone has a better idea on how to implement this, please feel free to jump in.
Thanks for the help.
Krish :)