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Old November 6th, 2005, 02:40 PM
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Default Visual studio 6 or visual studio .NET

Hi everyone,
           I had developed an application long time back in my college days in visual c++ 6 . The coding that was done was totally raw coding , and now i want to make that code modular and robust for professional use.But during those days .Net was not available , so the entire code was developed in visual studio 6.
  Now i am going to start coding the application from scratch , but now i am confused if i should use .Net for this . I tried using VC++ .Net but the IDE was totally different , but no problem i would get used to it. But are there any special features for which i should opt for VC++ .Net and not VC++ 6.i wanted to make my application very robust , so is there any special provision in .net framework for exception handaling.
here's a brief description of the application.
It's a user friendly IDE that i had developed. It takes some parameters from the user in a particular sequence. stores them in access file . Once this is complete it opens lots of files , makes changes in those files as per data in access file and finally concats them in a single file. Here there is no secrity issue , only thing important is user friendly IDE . I had used ActiveX to make it user friendly.
    Please suggest appropriate platform for development

Old November 13th, 2005, 09:26 AM
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Modular and robust applications are not about the IDEs that are used to make them as much as they are about a good design.

Microsoft may say a lot of things but as far as VC++ 6.0 and VC++.NET are concerned I would say they are not hugely different. And as you mentioned, you have used ActiveX cotrols to in your application I would suggest that you stick to VC++ 6.0 unless there is some specific .NET feature that you are eyeing to make use of 'cause your application is working fine right now and you have been able to tune these controls in 6.0 IDE. The shift, however, may require you to retune them and you may even run into compatiblity problem with some of them.

However for the sake of exploring arround you can convert a copy your 6.0 code to .NET using .NET converter and once manually to get a better idea if the shift brings anything to the table.

Ankur Verma

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