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Old July 7th, 2006, 04:06 PM
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Default problem selecting listview item

I am using this code to select a listview item. i specify the postion of item using (WPARAM)2 . So this one supposed to highlight and selct the postion 2 in the listview. But unfortuently it does not select but it does deselct. I mean if the item is selected by mouse click it can deselect it but can not select it. Could any one tell me what i am doing wrong here.Thanks

SendMessage(listview, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)2, (LPARAM)_lvi);
void CSelectuserDlg::OnButton1() 
    // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here

    HWND listview=NULL;  // List View identifier 
 HWND parent,child; 
 parent = ::FindWindow("My Window Class",NULL); 

 child =::FindWindowEx(parent,0,"WTL_SplitterWindow",NULL); 
 child =::FindWindowEx(child,0,"WTL_SplitterWindow",NULL); 
 child =::FindWindowEx(child,0,"WTL_SplitterWindow",NULL); 
 child =::FindWindowEx(child,0,"ATL:0053C8D0",NULL); 

 LVITEM lvi, *_lvi; 
 unsigned long pid; 
 HANDLE process; 

 GetWindowThreadProcessId(listview, &pid); 

 _lvi=(LVITEM*)VirtualAllocEx(process, NULL, sizeof(LVITEM), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); 
 lvi.mask = LVIF_STATE; 
 lvi.state = true; 
 lvi.stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED; 

 WriteProcessMemory(process, _lvi, &lvi, sizeof(LVITEM), NULL); 
 ::SendMessage(listview, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, (WPARAM)2, (LPARAM)_lvi); 
 VirtualFreeEx(process, _lvi, 0, MEM_RELEASE);


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