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Old June 4th, 2003, 01:39 AM
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Default Special characters program

What the program actually does is that it searches an input file containing special characters contained in some words(i.e Ô , * and #352; ) .After finding such words it replaces those characters with this (i.e \o^ , \e^ and \sh respectively).I hope you will have the picture now.


Deal with input or check whether input has the following special characters, i.e. read a file of text containing a list of words and check for the occurrence of these characters:

Ô or ô * as used in the word "pôô"

* or * - as used in the word "r*ma"

#352; or #353; - as used in the word "le#353;a#353;a"

If a word has any of these character replace each character by the
following characters respectively:

ô with \o^

* with \e^

#353; with \sh

I would appreciate it if you could could have a short program to sort
this issue out.
Let me say that it should be like this:

input -> words.doc
pôô r*ma le#353;a#353;a aôwô b*thô

output -> c:\output.txt
p\o^\o^ r\e^ma le\sh;a\sh;a a\o^w\o^ b\e^th\o^

Yes the text file is ASCII format(that "#352;" represent an S with a cap on top).It is Northern Sotho language(South African language)
Old June 4th, 2003, 01:43 AM
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ASCII or UNICODE characters ?
Old June 4th, 2003, 09:07 AM
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ASCII characters

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