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Old May 30th, 2008, 06:11 AM
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Default avoid postback using ajax in javascript

Hi I am refreshing a web page
in javascript like "document.form.submit()"
 when ever i modify the text in a text box.

I am using aspx text box where i have called onblur event in code behind using the syntax textbox.attibutes.add("onblur","fnRefresh()") of this text box in javascript

so when text is changed i am calling javascript function fnRefresh().
now the thing is when this javascript is called i will put some data in another text box like:

function fnRefresh()
document.getElementByID("textbox2").value="Text changed in first text box"

Though i am using ajax controls like scriptmanager & update panel, when my page is getting refreshed, the entire page is loading everytime when the text in first text box is changed.

my requirement is when onblur event fires for first textbox, data should be updated in second text box without loading the entire page.

plz suggest me how would i go about..

Old May 30th, 2008, 08:16 AM
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What's the purpose of the form submit? You are already updating the textbox in the javascript. I don't see how AJAX comes into play with this at all. Just delete the second line of your fnRefresh function and it won't submit the form, thus not causing a complete page postback.

If you are performing additional work on server side events of the textbox please describe them further.


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