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Old June 9th, 2004, 02:11 PM
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Default System.NullReferenceException: Object reference no

I am getting error while i am inserting data in the database. my code is:

If pnss.Visible = True Then
            Response.Write("I am panel for splitspoon")

            smssinsert = "INSERT INTO tempsplitspoon ("
            smssinsert &= "[RecordID], [HammerType], [HammerTypeTop], [HammerTypeBottom], [HammerSize], "
            smssinsert &= "[HammerSizeTop], [HammerSizeBottom], [PenetrationTop], [PenetrationBottom], "
            smssinsert &= "[RecoveryLength], [SamplerLength], [InnerDiameter], [OuterDiameter], "
            smssinsert &= "[LinerInfo], [Catcher], [SequentialSampleNo]) VALUES ("
            smssinsert &= record.Text & ",'"
            smssinsert &= txtssht.Text & "',"
            smssinsert &= txtsshtt.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtsshtb.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtsshs.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtsshst.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtsshsb.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtsspt.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtsspb.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtssrl.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtsssl.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtssid.Text & ","
            smssinsert &= txtssod.Text & ",'"
            smssinsert &= txtssli.Text & "','"
            smssinsert &= txtssc.Text & "',"
            smssinsert &= txtssssn.Text & ")"
            Response.Write("**" & smssinsert & "**")
            Dim addsmss As New OleDbCommand(smssinsert, myconnection)
            i = addsmss.ExecuteNonQuery()

        ElseIf pnsbt.Visible = True Then

            Response.Write("I am panel for shelbytube")

            smsbtinsert = "INSERT INTO tempshelbytube ("
            smsbtinsert &= "[RecordID], [InnerDiameter], [OuterDiameter], [Length], [PenetrationTop], "
            smsbtinsert &= "[PenetrationBottom], [RecoveryLength], [LinerInfo], [SequentialSampleNo]) VALUES ("
            smsbtinsert &= record.Text & ","
            smsbtinsert &= txtsbtid.Text & ","
            smsbtinsert &= txtsbtod.Text & ","
            smsbtinsert &= txtsbtl.Text & ","
            smsbtinsert &= txtsbtpt.Text & ","
            smsbtinsert &= txtsbtpb.Text & ","
            smsbtinsert &= txtsbtrl.Text & ",'"
            smsbtinsert &= txtsbtli.Text & "',"
            smsbtinsert &= txtsbtssn.Text & ")"
            Dim addsmsbt As New OleDbCommand(smsbtinsert, myconnection)
            i = addsmsbt.ExecuteNonQuery()

I dont understand where the error is.But rest of the similar code is working fine. So, please help.

Old June 9th, 2004, 02:13 PM
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Sorry i forget to mention the error . it is

System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Old June 9th, 2004, 09:17 PM
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Join Date: May 2004
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mm.. have u instantiated all the objects?

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