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VS.NET 2002/2003 Discussions about the Visual Studio.NET programming environment, the 2002 (1.0) and 2003 (1.1). ** Please don't post code questions here ** For issues specific to a particular language in .NET, please see the other forum categories.
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Old September 23rd, 2003, 05:18 AM
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Default Create an ActiveX DLL ....

Hello all, i'm new in this things...
i create a ClassLibrary project(and checked "Register for COM Interop" option), to make a DLL, but would like to define the Startup Object....isn't possible???

Old September 23rd, 2003, 08:43 AM
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A. When .Net builds the library it always goes to a DLL, but it's a .Net Assembly DLL not a COM dll. Unless you actually need to use this .Net assembly from a COM application, you do not need to check "Register for COM Interop".

B. There is not startup object in a Class Library. It's a library, not an application. Sounds like you need to create another project (Windows Forms App perhaps?) so you can test your library.


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