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Old June 16th, 2003, 10:19 AM
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Default Windows Forms DataGrid .NET


I have a problem with the Datagrid.
It is easily reproducable using the VS.NET Data Form wizard:

1) With the wizard, generate a Master-
detail application againt the Microsoft 'pubs' database.
2) Use the publishers and titles tables, and tell the
wizard to show both the master and the detail records in a
3) Make sure, that the Allow_Navigation property of the
Master grid is set to true.

4) Run the application. Add a new row to the publishers,
for example pub_id=9910,...
5) Without clicking on another master record, navigate to
the child record of the newly created master record.
6) You'll notice, that the pub_id field of the new titles
record is null, and not set to 9910.
   (The same if you go to the titles grid.)

1) Terminate the appl. and set the DataSource property of the
titles grid (child grid) to none.
2) Rerun the application and repeat the above scenario:
You'll see that now the pub_id field of the new titles
record is properly initialized to 9910.

Can somebody tell me, how to get around this problem? (Is
there a bug somewhere or do I miss something?)

Thank you!
Antal Pak
Old June 19th, 2003, 01:33 PM
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This isn't really a "bug".. It's just unexpected behavior..

I assume that you are making the change OUTSIDE of the grid- therefore the grid doesn't know it needs to update the information.

You must rebind a databound control to it's datasource after you change the data outside of the control itself.

Hal Levy
Daddyshome, LLC
NOT a Wiley/Wrox Employee
Old June 20th, 2003, 08:09 AM
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I did not make the changes outside of the master grid. I just entered a new record into the master grid and then clicked on the 1st row of the detail grid.

Anyway, I have just found a solution for my problem:

I have added the following GotFocus event handler for the detail grid which seems to work just fine:

 this.grdtitles.GotFocus += new System.EventHandler(this.OnGotFocus);
 private void OnGotFocus(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager)this.BindingContext[objdsPublishersTitles,"publishers"];

Thank you,

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