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Old September 5th, 2007, 08:32 AM
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Default Session ID swapping from user to user...

I'm sure this one's not new, but I can't find an answer. We have a Framework 1.1 app running on two servers. One is Windows 2K and IIS 5.0 and the other is Win2K3 and IIS 6.0. Our runs as expected on the IIS 5 server, but on the IIS 6 server, all is well until two users access the site at the same time. We are seeing one user saving records to the database with the other user's data. This is quite painful. We are an Oracle shop, so we don't use SQL Server for session state or anything else. I am the system admin, and the developers are obviously blaming me on this one. They cannot upgrade the framework just yet. I followed instructions here for a topic where session states were being wiped. We have only ONE process (no Garden), and recycle of processes has been turned off. Does anyone have any experience with this problem, or can anyone point me in the right direction? I have called MS and the tech is stumped at the moment. Sad when MS doesn't have an answer. Any help is most sincerely appreciated!

Old September 5th, 2007, 10:24 PM
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What information can you get from the developers about this? I have not seen problems when using the standard session state mechanisms built into ASP.NET. Even on a web farm, the worse problem you usually see is just *missing* session data (if you jump to another machine and the site uses in-proc session management). I have not seen values jump from user to user, this sounds like an application design problem.

Old September 7th, 2007, 08:43 AM
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I don't have a lot of details. We do use a lot of Session Variables, and the code never crosses data between session on a IIS 5.0 and Windows 2000. I.E. if we deploy the exact same code to the IIS 6.0 box, users data becomes shared. There are several posts on the internet with this issue, but I have yet to see a resolution. One can use Fiddler's HTTP debugger on user's workstation and still see the session id's getting swapped.... Thanks!
Old September 7th, 2007, 08:44 AM
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See the other post here titled: "Session ID saga" which appears to have never been resolved.

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