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Old January 29th, 2004, 01:32 AM
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Default Problem with sending mail

  i am facing a wierd problem.
in my application i have written a code to send mail with attachments.
problem is that sometimes the mail is sent and sometimes not.
i dont get any errors even when the mail is not sent.
it also happens that the same mail sent to 2-3 addresses is received on one address and not on others.
i dont know what is going wrong. what i feel is that if there is anything wrong with it should never send mail or to any address.
Is there any encoding of attachments to be done or so.
i am doing following things in my code:

    MailMessage myMailMsg = new MailMessage();
    myMailMsg.To = ToList;
    myMailMsg.From = mailid;
    myMailMsg.Cc = CcList;
        myMailMsg.Subject = subject;
    myMailMsg.Body = bodymsg;
    myMailMsg.BodyFormat = MailFormat.Html;


//the attachements are attached in a loop using the following code

MailAttachment MyAttachment = new MailAttachment(upfilepath);

//And send the mail using


The values come properly in myMailMsg object. i checked it through debugging.

please help me out.
Old January 29th, 2004, 08:29 AM
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This problem occurs when the CC is not separated by semicolon.While attachment there is no need of encoding.In debug mode u better see whether multiple addresses are separated by semicolon or not.


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