XML Post using microsoft.XMLHTTP
I am trying to send some XML data over to a server for online checking verification. I am using the xmlHTTP component to send this data. For some reason the response I also get is empty, below is the code I am sending.
Set anXMLhttpObject = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
TransactionURL = "https://secure.itinternet.net/ism/"
anXMLhttpObject.open "POST",TransactionURL,false
anXMLhttpObject.setRequestHeader "Content-type", "text/xml"
anXMLhttpObject.send "xmldoc=<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""ISO-8859-1"" ?><!DOCTYPE Query SYSTEM ""ism.dtd""><Query><Version>ISM XML 1.0</Version><Service>TEST</Service><Processor><ProcessorID>00000000</ProcessorID><Password>jerry</Password><ProcessorCustom1>1234</ProcessorCustom1></Processor><Request><MiscInfo></MiscInfo></Request></Query>"
response.write("<p>RESPONSE STATUS: " &anXMLhttpObject.status & "<p>RESPONSE STATUS TEXT: " & anXMLhttpObject.statusText)
strResult = anXMLhttpObject.responseText
if len(stResult)=0 then
response.write "empty"
end if
I get a status 200 for sending and a OK for the text so I believe everything is posting properly. I just can not tell if the other side is getting the data.