Hi Michael Sir
Yes Its true.I have taken part in Tech Fest and this problem set is from that Tech Fest Only so i can't ask them requirement of it.
The whole problem is like
Define a development approach to Parse/Load/Search an XML document of size ~1GB
Project Gutenberg (
www.gutenberg.org) maintains a list of books in a RDF format.There is an offline version of the same available at \\ht-dynapps\gutenberg
You need to provide the following APIs that will allow you to use the contents:
//Given a start and end index provides allows to incrementally get the books from the list(ala google way)
public List<Book> GutenbergBookManager.getBooks(int start, in end)
// Given an ID of the book searches the document return the book details
public Book GutenbergBookManager.getBook(String id)
// Given the search phrase returns the list of the books with matching subject (word occurring anywhere in the subject line)
public List<Book> GutenbergBookManager.searchBook(String subject)
* Assume that you do not have the luxury to dump the data int0o a relational database.