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Old November 11th, 2003, 12:29 PM
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Default Indexing XML in relational database - performance

Hi there

What is the impact on performance if Indexing Approach is used with a relational database (MS SQL, MySQL or Oracle).

Indexing Approach or Indexing XML: The data records are stored in XML files, the XML files are stored in the file system and the Database holds a copy of part or whole of the record data.

Is it suggested to use the Indexing Approch. What is the best database to use Indexing Approach with?

Say, a table has 1,00,000 records.
The Indexing Approach is used with this table, which means the records are stored as XML files. And the database keeps the copy of 5 of 20 columns that are search-able.

If the database can execute 100 queries in 1 second in normal scenario, how many queries it may execute in 1 second if the above scenario?

And also how much may be the increase in CPU utilization?

Old November 13th, 2003, 03:49 AM
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your question is off-topic. However, indexing reduces the time complexity of search tasks from O(N) to O(log N). And the actual base of logarithm in concrete cases is about always greater than 2. So you can calculate the average improvement ;)


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