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Old July 7th, 2005, 04:40 PM
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Default how to get values depending on the attribute

i have an xml that looks like

 <contractions elementType="H">
    <description>(3s) -> [2s]</description>
    <contraction shell="S">
      <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="double">
5.447178 0.156285
0.824547 0.904691
    <contraction shell="S">
      <matrix rows="1" columns="2" dataType="double">
0.183192 1.000000

<contractions elementType="N">
    <description>(3s) -> [2s]</description>
    <contraction shell="S">
      <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="double">
5.447178 0.156285
0.824547 0.904691
    <contraction shell="S">
      <matrix rows="1" columns="2" dataType="double">
0.183192 1.000000

now i need to get the shell value (ie : S) and the matrix node values
ie(0.183192 1.000000 and 5.447178 0.156285 0.824547 0.904691 ).
I need to get the shell and matrix node values for the elementtype H only.can someone help me out with this

the xsl now looks like
    <xsl:template name="getElementShellType">
            <xsl:param name="Values"/>
        <xsl:if test="$Values">
        <xsl:for-each select="$Values">
            <xsl:text> </xsl:text>

can someone help me out with this

Old July 8th, 2005, 03:55 AM
joefawcett's Avatar
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I don't like the XML, better to have each matrix value in a separate element. Given this XML:
  <contractions elementType="H">
    <description>(3s) -> [2s]</description>
    <contraction shell="S">
      <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="double">
        5.447178 0.156285 
        0.824547 0.904691 
    <contraction shell="S">
      <matrix rows="1" columns="2" dataType="double">
        0.183192 1.000000 
  <contractions elementType="N">
    <description>(3s) -> [2s]</description>
    <contraction shell="S">
      <matrix rows="2" columns="2" dataType="double">
5.447178 0.156285 
0.824547 0.904691 
    <contraction shell="S">
      <matrix rows="1" columns="2" dataType="double">
0.183192 1.000000 
This stylesheet gives the values. I don't know how you're passing $Values, it must be a nodeset not a string to do a for-each.
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
  <xsl:output method="text" />
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <xsl:call-template name="getElementShellType">
      <xsl:with-param name="Values" select="'H'" />
  <xsl:template name="getElementShellType">
    <xsl:param name="Values" />
    <xsl:variable name="contractions" select="/*/contractions[@elementType = $Values]" />
    <xsl:for-each select="$contractions/contraction">
      <xsl:value-of select="@shell" /><xsl:text>#x0d;</xsl:text>
      <xsl:value-of select="matrix" /><xsl:text>#x0d;</xsl:text>


Joe (Microsoft MVP - XML)

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