I have a document which looks like this:
<tr><th>Email</th><td>[email protected]</td></tr>
I would like to transform this into something like this:
.and so on for each contact
That means I have to select all the elements up until there's an element whitch contains a <th>Contact</th>
This my first try (messy)
<xsl:for-each select='//h:table/h:tr/h:th[normalize-space(text())="Contact"]'>
<xsl:value-of select='./following-sibling::h:td'/>
<xsl:for-each select='./parent::h:tr/following-sibling::h:tr/h:th[normalize-space(text())!="Contact"]/parent::h:tr/following-sibling::h:tr'>
Print out contents of tr...
This kind of worked, but of course all <tr>s without the <th>Contact</th> in them were printed out, instead of just the ones up until the first <tr> with a <th>Contact</th> in it.
This is my second try. (even messier)
The idea is to set a variable TRUE when the parser gets to a <tr><th>Contact</th>.. skip printing the rest of the <tr>s if it has been set. I came up with that half-asleep, so it's not very elegant.
<xsl:for-each select='//h:table/h:tr/h:th[normalize-space(text())="Contact"]'>
<xsl:value-of select='./following-sibling::h:td'/>
<xsl:for-each select='./parent::h:tr/following-sibling::h:tr/h:th'>
<xsl:variable name='trigger'>
<xsl:if test='normalize-space(text())="Contact"'>
<xsl:if test='not($trigger="TRUE")'>
Print out contents of tr..
..this doesn't really work.
Any ideas how I can do this the right way?