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Old May 27th, 2004, 12:30 PM
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Default Connecting VB Proj to a local Access DB

I have been going around in circles on how to pass parameters to a select query in an access database from word using DAO. I keep getting a data type conversion error every time I run it. Maybe some one could help me.

Here is the SQL statement from my Access Query:
PARAMETERS [num] Text ( 255 );
SELECT tblTestingSummaryReport.[Date of Test], tblTestingSummaryReport.Index, tblTestingSummaryReport.[Study type]
FROM tblTestingSummaryReport
WHERE (((tblTestingSummaryReport.[SDC #])=[num]));

Here is the code from my VBA app:

   Dim MyWorkspace As Workspace
   Dim db As Database

   DBEngine.SystemDB = "System.mdw"
   Set MyWorkspace = DBEngine.CreateWorkspace ("Name", "DBAPaulD", pass)
    Set db = OpenDatabase("report.mdb", False, False)

   Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
   Dim qryDef As QueryDef

   Set qryDef = db.QueryDefs("qryRembrandtGetTSRIndex")
   qryDef.Parameters(0) = "13" 'This is text eventhough it is a number
   'This is where it crashes
   Set rs = qryDef.OpenRecordset("qryRembrandtGetTSRIndex")


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