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Old August 23rd, 2004, 01:49 PM
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Default Connect query w/ database(dao dsnless connection)

I am not very familiar with dao dsnless connection. Could any one take a look at the following and give me any insight?

I have the following SQL

set date=1/1/2003
Select Country name, short_name, maturity_date
    From Country, asset_master
    where maturity_date > Cast( date as char(20))
    and weighting number <> 0
    and country_name= 'Argentina'
    or country_name= 'Brazil'
    or country_name= 'Russia'
Order by Security Type Desc

And I want to connect this query table to a database call "DB1"
using dao dsnless connection. userid:'user',password :'pwd'
and display the result of the above query into a worksheet.

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