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Old July 24th, 2006, 08:57 AM
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Default Username & Password

Hi Guys

Can someone maybe help me with a code for a username & password? I don't want to use the normal Access security function as it is not so good.


Old July 24th, 2006, 11:39 AM
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   How much coding experience do you have? You can do this by creating a username and password table, or using some outside source for the username and password. Then giving a popup modal form when the app opens, and have the user login. Take the credentials, check them with your source, then open a hidden form and refer to that hidden form for rights. On your username/password source, you can also set rights at various levels (like "Administrator" or "User" group), and then various other discrete rights, and put those in the hidden form. Then, for example, when a form opens, have it check the access rights of the user, and then make certain things invisible if they don't have rights. A form's On Current event might have code like:

Dim sGroup As String

sGroup = [Forms]![frmHidden].[GroupName]

If sGroup = "Administrator" Then
   Me.Button.Visible = True
   Me.Button.Visible = False
End If

'Set the button's Visible property to No to make sure.

   The problem is, most of this is easily thwarted. The built in security is good for most things. The best security, if that is the issue, is to use SQL on the back end, and AD credentials to secure access to various objects and tasks.

Does this help?

Old July 25th, 2006, 12:33 AM
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Hi mmcdonal

I have a lot of sas programming experience but don’t help me a lot with VB; I’m busy trying to learning VB.
I think for now it would be okay if I just use a username and password table to reference to when the application starts up. Later on in the year when I have a bit more VB experience I can just bring out a new version of the program with admin/user rights. Can you maybe help me with a code? I was thinking of creating a form where the user can enter his/her username and password with a submit button. Then use this form when the application starts up.

Please advice.

Kind regards,

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