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Old January 8th, 2008, 10:43 PM
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Default Using DAO and ADO within ADODB.connection


   I am currently converting an access 97 front end and back end .... to a access 2003 front end sql server back end. Access 97 uses solely DAO recordset object. For the access 2003 i need to change some of the recordsets to use ADO as some of the functions does not seem to work using DAO. Currently I only changed part of the codes as shown below:

Previously : Main Function{

                       DAO recordset


                                DAO recordset


                                             DAO recordset}

                                             DAO recordset}

                                DAO recordset


Currently : Main Function{

                       ADO recordset


                                ADO recordset


                                             ADO recordset}

                                             DAO recordset}

                                ADO recordset


Currently my main concern is to just make the system work so i only change the codes when it creates error. The program is able to work fine, its just that I want to noe in case and error occur withing the main function and con.rollback is activated would it rollback whatever is done using DAO.Assuming every function updates a recordset?

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