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Old January 6th, 2004, 05:19 PM
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Default Required field dependent on another field...

I am trying to make a form field required only if a selection is made on a separate combo box. i.e. A form collects data for insurance quotations. Each record (quotation entered on form) can hold up to 5 coverages (life, disability, medical, accident or pension). If you, for example, choose "Life" for coverage 1, I want the status (pending, sold or lost) field to become required.

I wrote the following code, which incidentally does not work. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I also put this code in the BeforeUpdate event; is this correct?
Dim type1 As Field
Dim status1 As Field

type1 = tblQuoteLookup.cboCover1
status1 = tblQuoteLookup.cboCover1Status

If Not IsNull(type1) Then
End If

Many thanks,
Old January 7th, 2004, 08:57 AM
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Why not put an After Update event on the combo box so that if "Life" is chosen, you get a message to enter the status, enable the status field, and then give the status field the focus? Otherwise, keep the status field disabled. Upon the form's On Close event, if status is null then give an error message and prevent the form from closing and give status the focus again.

Greg Serrano
Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division
Old January 7th, 2004, 11:21 AM
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Thanks Greg!

I did not use your solution, but it inspired me to devise the following:
Private Sub chkC1_Click()

cover1.Enabled = chkC1
comment1.Enabled = chkC1
premium1.Enabled = chkC1
status1.Enabled = chkC1

If chkC1 = True Then
status1 = "Pending"
End If

End Sub
I placed a check box next to each 'cover'. When the check box is true, all the fields for that coverage (Life, or whatever it may be) become enabled and the required 'status' field is filled with the default value "Pending".

Thanks again,
Old January 14th, 2004, 10:37 AM
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I made a small change to this code. If the status is 'sold' for example, and I check the corresponding check box, it changes from 'sold' to 'pending' again. So...

If IsNull(status1) And chkC1 = True Then

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