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Old March 23rd, 2005, 08:07 AM
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Default problem running ms access application

well i got a simple ms access application and when ever i try to run it in ms access 2000 i get this error :
Microsoft Visual Basic
Compile error:

Can not find project or library.

It workes well in my friend pc . When i look at refrences i see some missing libraries! (MISSING:Microsoft DataGrid Control 6.0(OLEDB))could any one help me how to fix this .Thanks

Old March 23rd, 2005, 09:16 AM
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Method, I just have to ask, how much effort did you put into trying to solve this problem without asking someone else?

I'm going to try to teach you to fish. Then I'll give you the fish. But you'll have to cook it yourself.

Go out to http://search.microsoft.com

Enter the search words: missing reference access

You will find an abundance of articles. One of them is:


That one says to uncheck the reference. This is a fine solution. But if you need that reference for your Access application to work, that solution isn't right for you.

Basically, the solution to this problem is to discover the library name. Unfortunately, the References dialog doesn't always allow you to do that. (If the file name is down a long path, you can't see the name of the DLL/OCX that is missing.)

So here's the fish:

And so once again you visit search.microsoft.com and you enter the words "DataGrid Control". In the results you can discover that the data grid control is named: MSADODC.ocx.

Now you search your hard disk to see if you have such a file. If not, you're SOL (Shi* Out of Luck). You will need to find a different control to display a data grid. (There are other solutions. But they involve licensing issues that I won't go into now.)

If you can find the file, you have two choices:
1) Use the References Dialog in Access to point to the file in that location.
2) Register the control.

You can register the control by executing the DOS command:

regsvr32 "file_name_including_full_path"

Access first checks for references in the actual location specified. If not found there, it searches (among other places) the folder where your Access file resides and the registry.

Mehtod, it would be really great if you'd try a little fishing on your own. Some of the problems you're asking about have already been solved and solutions have been provided by others.

Randall J Weers
Membership Vice President
Pacific NorthWest Access Developers Group

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