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Old February 11th, 2006, 05:19 PM
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Default Append Query

I am looking for information about creating an append query that will take information in an Excel spreadsheet I receive from another department and append up to four different tables in my database. Does anyone have links to articles or papers that would help me to do this?


Old February 13th, 2006, 01:02 PM
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You can create a function that will pull the data from Excel, then run your Append query on that pulled data, so no need to do an append query from Access to Excel data, just Access to Access.

I am reading "Integrating Excel and Access" by Schmalz, O'Reilly press (sorry Wrox, but I already have most of your books.) I am finding it extremely helpful in this little explored area.

The Using Micosoft Office, Access, and Excel books by QUE cover these topics as well.



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