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Old January 2nd, 2007, 03:34 AM
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Default Append Query

I have an append query in my payroll system I Have created in Access. I have 18 records in my payroll and every month it must append 18 records. The problem is after the second month when I wanted to append 18 records for the third month, it is instead appending 36 records. Meaning all the records for the first and second month. What criteria should I use in under the Date field. This is what I have in the append from expr1:date() in the append to field I have DATE,then criteria Date(). What should I do in the date criteria so that the query only appends the last 18 records every time. Please Help

Old January 3rd, 2007, 01:33 PM
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It sounds to me like you want to be able to append only those records from a specific month.

To do that, create a field in your query called "AppendMonth" and put this expression on the Field line:

AppendMonth:(DatePart("m", [DateField]))

This will show you a single number that is the month the record is for.

Then pass this parameter to the append query button. Either use a combo box on the form, and type in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. and have the user select the month number. In the criteria line for the AppendMonth field in your query, put this:


Or do this to pass it from the combo box:

Dim iMonth As Integer
Dim sLink As String

iMonth = Me.cboAppendCombo

sLink = "[AppendMonth] = " & iMonth

DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryAppendMonthQueryName",,, sLink

Put sLink in the WHERE clause section of the line. I can't remember where that is.

Did that help?


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