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Old June 20th, 2006, 12:50 PM
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Default setting autoincrement

I'm having some trouble setting the autoincrement field attached to a newly created Aceess table field. I'm using Delphi 7.


  strRangeDB := FMapDir + strRange + '\Database\RangeData.MDB';
  strConn := Format('Provider=''Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'';Data

  // Open Catalog for Range Database
    oCatalog := CoCatalog.Create();
    EventLog.LogEvent('ADOX is not installed!');
    raise Exception.Create('ADOX is not installed!');

    EventLog.LogEventFmt('Unable to connect to %s',[strRangeDB]);

    oTable2 := oCatalog.Tables.Item['tblShape'];
    IsUpdated := TRUE;
    oTable2 := CoTable.Create;
    oTable2.Name := 'tblShape';
    oTable2.ParentCatalog := oCatalog;

    with oTable2 do
      oCol := CoColumn.Create;
      oCol.Name := 'ID';
      oCol.type_ := adGUID;
      oCol.DefinedSize := 0;
      oCol.ParentCatalog := oCatalog;
      Columns.Append(oCol, adGUID, 0);
      oCol.Properties.Item['AutoIncrement'].value := TRUE;

I'm getting " Format "%d" invalid or imcompatible with argument " on the line in red. What is really strange is that if I move the append
call above the line where the autoincrement is set to true, I get this same error but on the line where autoincrement is set to true. I'm somewhat new to ADOX and COM in general so any help would appreciated.

Old June 20th, 2006, 12:53 PM
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Few people will know less about Delphi than me, but the approach you would take from VBA is to not even reference the autonumber field and let Access take care of it by itself. Not sure if that will work in this situation, but it's worth a try.


Old June 20th, 2006, 01:10 PM
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Thanks for the reply.

But the autoincrement property has to be set otherwise the field type is just a regular number field.

On another note, I've read threw a few forums and looked at MSDN and followed the examples they had. All of them were in VB. But i still get that format error even when my code follows the same logic as the examples, so I'm guessing it has something to do with Delphi but i cant be sure.

Old June 20th, 2006, 01:17 PM
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Sorry my bad! I was thinking you were inserting data, not creating the table itself. I should probably have had more sleep last night.

My only other thought would be that the actual term might be something different like AutoNumber instead of AutoIncrement, or something like that. But that is probably what you were getting at to begin with.

Anyone else have any ideas?


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