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Old January 4th, 2005, 03:29 AM
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Default Autoincrement field not incrementing

Hi all,
I have a database in which certain tables have the id field of autoincrement type. The site was running fine for 2 years but now suddenly it has started generating error in all autoincrement fields.
The error is in insert queries where insertion takes place(not including the autoincrement fields).
Error: 'Cannot insert NULL values in field" which happens to be the id field.

What might be the reason ?
The same database is working fine at my local machine.



Old January 4th, 2005, 08:07 AM
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You may try and check your table properties for changes the

1.Identity set to yes
2.Identity seed has value
3.Identity Increment has a value
4.Check for triggers that may be inserting or changing values

Jaime E. Maccou

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