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Old March 23rd, 2007, 02:11 AM
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Default data type mismatch in criteria expression

        Dim connectionString As String = dbconstr
        Dim dbConnection As System.Data.IDbConnection = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(connectionString )

        Dim queryString As String = "INSERT INTO [tblEmployees] " & _
         "([datEmpFirstName]," & _
         "[datEmpLastName]," & _
         "[datEmpDOB]," & _
         "[datEmpStartDate]," & _
         "[datCompanyID]," & _
         "[datEmpInitials]," & _
         "[datEmpIDNumber]," & _
         "[datLeaveID]," & _
         "[datBenefitID]," & _
         "[datDeductionID]," & _
         "[datNOKID]," & _
         "[datEmpNumberOfDependants]," & _
         "[datEmpOccupation]," & _
         "[datEmpCellNumber]," & _
         "[datEmpPassportNumber]," & _
         "[datEmpEmailAddress]," & _
         "[datEmpPostalAddress]," & _
         "[datEmpPostalCode]," & _
         "[datEmpResidentialAddress]," & _
         "[datEmpResidentialCode]," & _
         "[datEmpPhoneNumber]," & _
         "[datEmpEndDate]," & _
         "[datEmpPayFrequency]," & _
         "[datEmpPayMethod]," & _
         "[datEmpPaySlipLanguage]," & _
         "[datEmpBankName]," & _
         "[datEmpBankAccountType]," & _
         "[datEmpBankAccountNumber]," & _
         "[datEmpBankBranchName]," & _
         "[datEmpBankBranchCode]," & _
         "[datStatus]," & _
         "[datEmpRace]," & _
         "[datEmpOccupationalLevel]," & _
         "[datEmpOccupationalCategory]," & _
         "[datEmpdisability]," & _
         "[datEmpProvince]," & _
         "[datEmpExperience]," & _
         "[datEmpNationality]," & _
         "[datEmpPayDay]," & _
         "[datEmpSalary]" & _
            ") VALUES (" & _
          "'" & txtEmpFirstName.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpLastName.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & dtpEmpDOB.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & dtpEmpStartDate.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbCompanyID.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpInitials.Text & "'," & _
          "" & nudEmpIDNumber.Value & "," & _
          "'" & cmbLeaveID.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbBenefitID.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbDeductionID.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbNOKID.Text & "'," & _
          "" & nudEmpNumberOfDependants.Value & "," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpOccupation.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpCellNumber.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpPassportNumber.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpEmailAddress.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpPostalAddress.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpPostalCode.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpResidentialAddress.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpResidentialCode.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpPhoneNumber.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & dtpEmpEndDate.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpPayFrequency.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpPayMethod.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpPaySlipLanguage.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpBankName.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpBankAccountType.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpBankAccountNumber.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpBankBranchName.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpBankBranchCode.Text & "'," & _
          "'active'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpRace.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpOccupationalLevel.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpOccupationalCategory.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpDisability.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpProvince.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & txtEmpExperience.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & cmbEmpNationality.Text & "'," & _
          "'" & dtpEmpPayDay.Text & "'," & _
          "" & nudEmpSalary.Value & "" & _

        Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand
        dbCommand.CommandText = queryString
        dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection

        Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0
            rowsAffected = dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery
            MessageBox.Show(txtEmpLastName.Text & "," & txtEmpFirstName.Text & " has been added.", "The Adviser Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
        Catch ex As Exception
            'MessageBox.Show("A user already exist with such id number", "The Adviser Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
            nudEmpIDNumber.Value = 0
        End Try

Old March 23rd, 2007, 07:02 AM
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So what is the problem?

Old March 23rd, 2007, 08:02 AM
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quote:Originally posted by mmcdonal
 So what is the problem?

was getting this error : data type mismatch in criteria expression,
but I solved it on my own. it was the dates in the query

Old March 23rd, 2007, 08:54 AM
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Without knowing the data types in each field, this would be hard to troubleshoot.


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