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Old April 4th, 2006, 02:39 PM
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Default Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

what I am trying to do is a dinamyc treeview that take the source form a AccessDatabase. But I recieve that err:
Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Data type mismatch in criteria expression.

Source Error:

Line 91: Dim titlesForAuthors As New DataSet()
Line 92:
Line 93: adapter.Fill(titlesForAuthors)
Line 94:
Line 95: If titlesForAuthors.Tables.Count > 0 Then

Source File: C:\Documents and Settings\gosho\My Documents\Visual Studio 2005\WebSites\WebSite3\Default2.aspx Line: 93
And here is the part of the Source:

Private Sub FillTitlesForAuthors(ByVal node As TreeNode)

        Dim CategorID As Integer = node.Value
        Dim connString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("autodib").ConnectionString
        Dim connection As New OleDb.OleDbConnection(connString)
        Dim command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select Produkti.ProdID,Produkti.ImeProd From Produkti" + " Inner Join Kategoria on Kategoria.CategorID = Produkti.CategorID " + " Where Kategoria.CategorID = '" + CategorID + "'", connection)
        Dim adapter As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(command)
        Dim titlesForAuthors As New DataSet()
        If titlesForAuthors.Tables.Count > 0 Then
            Dim row As DataRow
            For Each row In titlesForAuthors.Tables(0).Rows
                Dim NewNode As TreeNode
                NewNode = New TreeNode(row("ImeProd").ToString(), row("ProdID").ToString())
                NewNode.PopulateOnDemand = False
                NewNode.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None
        End If

I've tried:
Dim command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select Produkti.ProdID,Produkti.ImeProd From Produkti" + " Inner Join Kategoria on Kategoria.CategorID = Produkti.CategorID " + " Where Kategoria.CategorID = " + CategorID, connection)
And it didn't work Gave mi kind of query problem.I am sure it is in the select.. but I do not know what exactly. Hope somebody has a better ideas :o

Old April 4th, 2006, 07:40 PM
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Have you tried the query directly to the database, see if it returns rows.

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Old April 5th, 2006, 04:39 AM
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When I tried i've found the mistake:) I've jumped one table over in the relationship and now it is ok. Thank you
Old April 5th, 2006, 06:49 AM
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but now it happens something strange:
for example a node in Depth=1 has 2 child nodes it double the Parent node too, o if they are tree so it makes 3 parent nodes with tha same name.. Any Idea why is that?:)
Old April 5th, 2006, 12:11 PM
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I can not tell from the code provided.
Are you saying that the parameter 'node' is created three times?
If so please show the code that calls FillTitlesForAuthors(ByVal node As TreeNode)

They say, best men are molded out of faults,
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Old April 11th, 2006, 11:08 AM
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yes exactly but I do not know exactly why but when I separated the SELECT Command using "" & it jut worked perfect. Thanks

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