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Old January 23rd, 2004, 01:45 AM
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Default Will not save

I have a very large Access 2000 database used by my mechanic. It works well except I am no longer able to make changes. Any simple change to a form tests correctly, the form appears to save, but the changes are gone when MS Access is next restarted. Changes to a module appear to save when I click the "diskette" save icon, but when I come to close the code form it displays the message, "The database Jet database engine could not find the object ''. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name correctly."
Note the empty single quotes after the word "object".
After clicking OK it displays -
"You tried to commit or rollback a transaction without first beginning a transaction."
This is displayed after editing code - I have not opened the form for display.
It finally comes up with a messae "Do you want to save the changes to the design of the form 'sfPurchaseLines'. After recycling through the messages I have to click no, and loose everything.

The bahaviour is the same on both PCs. Both have 500 meg ram and are over 2000 mhz.
My mechanic purchased new Win XP and Office 2000 because his hardware supplier told him that was where the problem was.

I sure would appreciate help on this one.
Old January 25th, 2004, 09:50 PM
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Have you check that the database is not and MDE file. It is possible to be read only and you are restricted from making design changes.

Old January 26th, 2004, 04:38 AM
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quote:Originally posted by jemacc
 Have you check that the database is not and MDE file. It is possible to be read only and you are restricted from making design changes.

 It is not anMDE file.
Old January 26th, 2004, 01:21 PM
sal sal is offline
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Your problem is not your hardware. Hardware folks do not know a thing about software. It is an Access 2000 problem (known bug). The problem is that MS Access can not find the code file associated with the form. That is the object it can not find. Also this is the reason that you can not save the code. The only way to fix this problem (before your database gets completely corrupted) is to:

-Create a new database
-import all tables and queries.
-Cut the code out of each form that has any code and paste it into a text file.
-under the properties of the form on the old dastabase click on “Has Module and select “No”
-save the form and import it into the new database.
-go into the form on the new database and paste the code on the code window. Save the form.

If you just import all of the items into the new database, the database will also get corrupted. (I know, another Access bug). Never import a form into access if the form contains code. It will corrupt your database.

This process will take some time, but it works (and you do not need to buy anything).

Make sure you keep an untouched copy of your full database before you begin this process.

Hope this works, I have had to do this many times before.


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