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Apache Tomcat General discussion of the Apache Tomcat servlet container. For discussions specific to the Professional Apache Tomcat book, please see the book discussion forum for that book.
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Old October 24th, 2004, 12:35 PM
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Default Session Listener Fires On Every Request

I am using jakarta-tomcat-5.0.27 standalone on windows xp pro.
The browser (Firefox) is running on the same box as the server.

The problem i am having is that the session listener is being
invoked on every request to to tomcat from the client.

I expected that the listener would be invoked once, on the first
request to my application, but the application logging shows that
it is handling session create events from tomcat on every request
from the client.

Can anyone suggest an approach to debugging this problem?



Old October 24th, 2004, 11:58 PM
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I found a workaround: visit the set from a host other than the one running Tomcat. In this situation tomcat does not generate a session-created event in response to every request from the client.

Apparently tomcat gets confused about consistently recognizing a client on its own host.

Is this a tomcat bug?


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