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Old September 26th, 2005, 10:30 AM
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Default New session gets created for every request.

Hi ,

I have two servlets where i set the object in a session in one servlet say servlet1.java and get in another servlet say servlet2.java.
When i pass my session object from servlet1 to servlet 2 , servlet2 is supposed to get the arrtibute , but its always gives me a null value.
I found out that a new session is getting created every time when i try to get the session object.

I tried to print the session objects and got to know that the there is difference in the session object between the one i set and try to get.

Can anyone let me know why is this happening and how do i solve this .

This happens for me in weblogic 8.1 setup.
In my JBOSS set up with the same code it works fine.

Thanks in advance.

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