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Old March 10th, 2006, 01:49 PM
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Default Checkboxlist problem

I have a checkboxlist with 3 checkboxes - whose values are "S", "J" and "Q"
i needed a way on the server side i.e. on the chk_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) event
which would let me know, as which of the 3 checkboxes got selected or unselected.
the following code would give tell me the checked-unchecked state of the 3 checkboxes but wouldnt tell me, as which of the got clicked --
 ListItem lstSelf = chk.Items.FindByValue("S");
 ListItem lstSelf = chk.Items.FindByValue("J");
 ListItem lstSelf = chk.Items.FindByValue("Q");

Please help

Old March 12th, 2006, 01:36 AM
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Why do you need to know the one that was clicked I don't see a way of doing it.

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