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Old March 20th, 2007, 01:23 AM
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Default how to handle null values

Hi All

i am using grid view to populate records, I am binding data using template fields by writing my own code using code-behind file.

some times it raises erros for null values.

plz tell me how can i handle null values while dealing with gridview control.

Old March 20th, 2007, 01:52 AM
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This is a long term issue: How to handle "Nulls". My personal preference is I don't allow nulls in my tables or database, either I will not write the empty column or I will give it a default value. This eliminates the problems when you allow the user to enter a value, if the entered field is text field datatype, users will enter a space, a tab key (to go to the next field), etc. If the field is a numeric type field, users may skip or space the numeric field. Numeric fields I would either place a "0" or some number "99999" to indicate an empty cell. In addition to default values, it is a good practice to use "validation" on fields you allow to be NULLs.

Hope this helps.

Disclaimer: The above comments are solely the opinion of one person and not to be construed as a directive or an incentive to commit fraudulent acts.

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