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Old April 9th, 2006, 03:07 PM
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Default SqlDataSource Page Positioning

Hi All

Its only just occurred to me and may not be anything but thought I would ask anyway...

I have a page that has 6 separate SqlDataSources which I have positioned at the top of the page as the first thing within the <form> tag.

No the questions are...

1. does this mean that when accessing this page that 6 separate instances of a DB connection is open even though their relevant item templates may not be being used (edititemtemplate, insertitemtemplate etc)?

2. Would it increase page performance if I was to nest the SqlDataSources within their relevant items templates?

Many thanks for your wisdom.

Old April 11th, 2006, 12:59 PM
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Hi Rit,

AFAIK, it doesn't really matter. The DataSource controls aren't triggered until they are necessary.

You can very easily see for yourself how this works by creating a sample page:

1. Add a GridView

2. Bind the GridView to a new SqlDataSource and enable Editing on the GridView.

3. Customize one column of the grid (make it an item template)

4. Customize the EditItem template. Remove the text box and add a DropDownList control. Bind it to a new and embedded (inside the ItemTemplate) DataSource control and set its DataBindings.

5. Selected the embedded DataSource control, and hook up a handler for its Selecting event (that fires when it's about to access the database)

6. Repeat this for the "outer" DataSource.

7. Set breakpoints on both handlers in the code behind.

8. Run the page.

You'll see that only the outer Selecting event is triggered. As soon as you click Edit the inner Selecting event is now triggered to get data for the DropDownList.

9. Next, cut the inner DataSource from the template and past it below the outer DataSOurce control. Run the page again.

You'll see the exact same behavior. The "inner" DataSource control doesn't access the data, until it's required by another control.

Maybe there are circumstances where the above isn't true, but this is how I have always seen the DataSource controls operate.

Hope this helps,


Imar Spaanjaars
Everyone is unique, except for me.
Author of ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results and Beginning Dreamweaver MX / MX 2004
Old April 11th, 2006, 03:22 PM
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Thanks Imar, Just one of those thoughts :-).

By the way, your new book arrived at my doorstep on Friday... man, straight away it was being used!... I love the book’s ‘practical’ approach... Its ideal for developers jumping in the deep end with projects.

One of the best things about the book is actually seeing methods/ controls being implemented which a lot of programming books provide the theory but not so much real situation practice where this book is a complete switch around.

I recommend it to anyone in a similar situation to me! – My theory is and always will be ‘Jump and the net to catch me will appear’.

ISBN: 0-471-74951-6


Old April 11th, 2006, 03:47 PM
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Spread the word, spread the word!!! ;)

I am very interested in how you like the book so if you want to contact me to discuss your findings (either here or off-list through my Profile page), please do.

Cheers and have fun,

Imar Spaanjaars
Everyone is unique, except for me.
Author of ASP.NET 2.0 Instant Results and Beginning Dreamweaver MX / MX 2004
While typing this post, I was listening to: Tonight, Tonight by The Smashing Pumpkins (Track 2 from the album: Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness - Dawn to Dusk) What's This?

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