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Old May 17th, 2006, 03:26 PM
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Default SQL vs ASP.NET..escape characters haunting

Hey all,

I have a crazy predictament. Seeing how I am gettng the login directly from windows anyway, i have not been needing to worry too much about sql inject but i would like to uniform everything.
I use WindowsIdentity to retrieve a login which comes like "domain\login". When I put this info into a parameter and send it over as a query it comes over like this:

If I put it directly in the query string like this:
@"Select * where loginid = '" + curruser.Name + "'";
 It will work, anyone have an explaination and way around this so I can parameterize this?

I do know that \ is an escape character and needs to be \\ to be seen as a single on in a string but SQL doesn't follow the same rules hehe.

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