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Old July 11th, 2006, 03:23 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2003
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Default href='dbValue' getting set to absolute reference

I'm creating a list of hyperlinks using info from my database:

listItemsDivInnerHtml &= "<a href='" & strLinkUrlIfRenderListsAsLinksEqualsTrue & "'>&raquo; " & reader("listItemName") & "</a>" & "<br />" & vbLf
the variable "strLinkUrlIfRenderListsAsLinksEqualsTrue" has a value of "../pages/personal/myPersonalPage.aspx?uid=34235". However when the <a> tag gets rendered, the href value gets the current pages path as a prefix to the value stored in the variable. How can I prohibit this from happening?

What I get:
<a href='http://www.mydom.com/website/condi/../pages/personal/myPersonalPage.aspx?uid=34235'>......

What I want"
<a href='../pages/personal/myPersonalPage.aspx?uid=34235'>.......

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