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Old April 10th, 2008, 11:12 AM
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Default gridview render tags

I am using a gridview that is bind to a datatable. The problem is that the gridview render <table> tag and create <tr> & <TD> for every single record. But what i want is something to render <UL> and <li> for each record. Could someone suggest me how to implement this?

Many Thanks
Old April 10th, 2008, 11:52 PM
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The Repeater control does not emit any HTML on it's own. You can set it up to emit anything you like, but you have to code all the binding expressions yourself.

Old April 14th, 2008, 08:23 PM
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If you can rework the information into a DetailsView, the CSS Friendly Adapters render it automatically into a list the way you describe. It obviously limits you to one record at a time, but it's a useful trick to know. The adapters are pretty cool to have in place in any case.


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