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Old October 21st, 2007, 04:33 AM
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Default Trying to implement AJAX

Hello! I have a application with aspnet membership... profile... etc.

I'm trying to implement some ajax features.
I modified all my web.config with the issues of this page:


My problem it's because after I made my web.config alterations I loose my "preserved login"

If I leave my application for more than 10 minutes, I loose login!
Before I made web.config additions this never happened!

If someone had this problem and found a solution please tell me!

Old October 22nd, 2007, 10:17 AM
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Do you mean to say that you're user is timing out after 10 minutes despite the default being 20 minutes or your setting in the web.config being some other time unit?
Old October 22nd, 2007, 01:35 PM
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No... I have a loginView with a "Remember Me" checkBox

The method is:
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(txtUsername.Text , ckbRemember.Checked)

This worked until I updated my web.Config with AJAX stuff! I put everything that came in the page that I wrote on my previous post.

Before I update my web.config, If I checked on remember I always had my login preserved.
(If I closed the browser, turn off the pc etc... When I come to the page I didn't make the login because the system always check for the cookie)

After I update the webconfig The system don't preserve my login.
If I login on my site Now, (with remember checked) close the browser, wait some minutes (+/- 20m) and then reopen my application, I need to manually make login again :(

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