Ok. I got it.
1. When i used Flixon at work, a database server I'm not familiar with showed up in the Database Server textbox. I thought this was perhaps a default you had set up in a .config file, because the name was not familiar. I may not be familiar with it because we're on a large network, and maybe it just puts the first db instance it finds in the textboxes, because when I installed Flixon at home last night, it showed my SQLEXPRESS instance just fine in the box.
2. If you click the db Path button, when you return you get the "Database entry now saved " message and the screen exits. Maybe you don't need to exit at that point? And if the entry could be displayed in the text box the next time you start Flixon, because it 's not clear what db it's planning on using. I dunno...
Anyway, I see that I was confused by the response from the UI. If you simply type into the server and dbname boxes rather than clicking the db path button, everything works fine.
Fantastic utility, by the way. Thanks so much. :)