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BOOK: ASP.NET 2.0 Website Programming Problem Design Solution ISBN: 978-0-7645-8464-0
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Old September 10th, 2008, 10:04 AM
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Default Announce: Site Generator V2 now available

Hi all,

Anyone that 'knows' me will be totally aware of how much i go on and on regarding the Flixon Site Generator (just don't invite me to your dinner parties :)). Well, after having made considerable changes since the last version, I'm pleased to announce that V2 is now in an advanced beta stage and is available for download.

A brief outline of what the last version was capable of can be found here:


The new features since version 1 include:

* Entity 'style' relationship model. This allows for one to many, many-many and parent/child (as well as child parent) relationships to be modelled.
* New improved interface which stores previous entries for easy re-runs
* New template set which visually presents the foreignkey fields as readable attributes from the primary table.
* Full lazy-loading of objects.
* Custom List<T> objects that can be serialised in/out to an xml stream, maintaining all child objects

These are just a few of the very worthwhile highlights in V2. Why are you still sitting there, you can download the entire version from:

[edit] changed to V3.06 22nd Ec 2008

And you can download a (rough and ready) version of the user-guide from here:


To see an example of the generator after being run against the Ubiquitous 'Northwind' database, click below:


Ok, happy downloading and playing. I look fwd to comments on both the concepts and changes included in this version.

Cheers for now





Last edited by jimibt; October 2nd, 2009 at 01:02 PM..
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Old September 10th, 2008, 01:06 PM
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I highly recommend Jim's tool, especially if you are familiar with TBH layout, the code generated will feel very natural to you. I've been using its ongoing iterations, and found it to be very useful to get a site built in minutes. I've tried other code generators, such as NetTiers. and found them to be too bloated for my taste. Jim's tool gives you code simplicity on top of the control that you get with generated code, which ORM solutions cannot provide.

I haven't looked at this version yet, but the introduction of scaffolding in the last version looked like a nice addition.

Old September 10th, 2008, 02:31 PM
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Alex - i should point out that V2 is my enhancement of the tool. It's original author (Lee Timmins from Flixon) should take credit for getting the original idea off the ground. That said, it has move apace since V1.

Just wanted to make that clear ;)


Old September 16th, 2008, 10:58 AM
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hi jimi - hope all's well. i see you have updated the generator. well done and many thanks. i tried to use it today and get a series of errors...

compile error: site.generator.data.key does not contain a definition for 'columnname'

lots of errors like that. any thoughts?

again, many thanks
Old September 16th, 2008, 01:26 PM
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quote:Originally posted by forumuser
 hi jimi - hope all's well. i see you have updated the generator. well done and many thanks. i tried to use it today and get a series of errors...

compile error: site.generator.data.key does not contain a definition for 'columnname'

lots of errors like that. any thoughts?

again, many thanks

hi there,

if you've used the site gen in the past, i'd suggest that you remove the original version of the old flixon site generator. I'd also suggest that you open regedit and remove the following key (and ALL subkeys and entries):


and then re-extract the FlixonV2.6 archive again. You should see the form caption at the top of the generator saying:

Flixon Site Generator (using DLL version

i think the above should fix your issues. let me know how it goes.


Old September 16th, 2008, 01:56 PM
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hi, thanks for your reply. i did what you suggested and now get the error:

compile error: unrecognized escape sequence

this seems to be getting raised for each template.

Old September 16th, 2008, 02:55 PM
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quote:Originally posted by forumuser
 hi, thanks for your reply. i did what you suggested and now get the error:

compile error: unrecognized escape sequence

this seems to be getting raised for each template.

hmmm - are you definately 'pointing' to the default templates that come with the download?? if you look in the 'Template Path', you should see something like C:\Program Files\Flixon\Site Generator\Templates (if you extracted the download to c:\Program Files).

I wonder if i could ask 'anyone else' to try the download and run it against an arbitary SQLServer database (even against the beerhouse default would be good) and report back on their sucesses or otherwise. I have tested this with 4-5 users outside of this forum and (predictably) all was fine there, so we need to get to the bottom of your issue. My suspicion is that it's related to the location of the templates folder as pointed to above. Also, the fact that it's an extract from a zip, rather than an msi means that certain defaults aren't getting set and this could be part of the problem.

anyway, roll up, roll up - and give it a try :)


Old September 16th, 2008, 04:14 PM
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hi. yes, i'm def pointing to the correct templates location. it's an odd one. i'll investigate further in the morning....thanks for your help.

Old September 16th, 2008, 04:21 PM
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forumuser - ok, chat about it tmro then.

and if anyone else can let me know how they got on in the interim, that would be great..

g'night all...


Old September 17th, 2008, 02:36 AM
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hi jimi. back again. does the generator need to be extracted to any particular location?

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