Hi all,
Anyone that 'knows' me will be totally aware of how much i go on and on regarding the Flixon Site Generator (just don't invite me to your dinner parties :)). Well, after having made considerable changes since the last version, I'm pleased to announce that V2 is now in an advanced beta stage and is available for download.
A brief outline of what the last version was capable of can be found here:
The new features since version 1 include:
* Entity 'style' relationship model. This allows for one to many, many-many and parent/child (as well as child parent) relationships to be modelled.
* New improved interface which stores previous entries for easy re-runs
* New template set which visually presents the foreignkey fields as readable attributes from the primary table.
* Full lazy-loading of objects.
* Custom List<T> objects that can be serialised in/out to an xml stream, maintaining all child objects
These are just a few of the very worthwhile highlights in V2. Why are you still sitting there, you can download the entire version from:
[edit] changed to V3.06 22nd Ec 2008
And you can download a (rough and ready) version of the user-guide from here:
To see an example of the generator after being run against the Ubiquitous 'Northwind' database, click below:
Ok, happy downloading and playing. I look fwd to comments on both the concepts and changes included in this version.
Cheers for now