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Old February 21st, 2007, 03:58 PM
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Default Portal Frameworks and Web Parts!!!

Can someone please tell me how to get the code in Listing 19-2(SE) to run using SQL Server 2005, not SQL Server Express.

The book says that you have to set up a provider as defined in chapter 14, I did that and I'm still not able to use SQL Server 2005.

I have spent several hours on this and I am getting pretty fed up with some of the code in this book being un-runnable because the authors fail to include the necessary information needed for the examples.

Could it have hurt to have a paragraph about how to use a provider with the Portal/Web Parts infrastructure? This is nuts, I have never had issues like this with examples in a book. No matter what I do it continues to look for SQL Express.

I'd like to know if anyone other than the individual authors ever read through the book and actually tried to run the code, especially in this chapter.

Sorry for ranting but time is money and spent way to much time trying to get this to work, that shouldn't happen. Someone else has to have this problem as well. If you haven't read this chapter yet please go to Chapter 19 run Listing 19-2 and post back here how many hours it took to get it running with SQL Server 2005 (not SQL Express).

Thank you,
Old February 22nd, 2007, 09:02 AM
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Hi Michael
I'll see what I can do with this one.
I'm only on chapter 12 :)

..I have Sql server 2005, so I'll try to run this code Using regular 2005 instead express..
Ok man I'll postBack later..

Stay tuned
Old February 23rd, 2007, 12:21 PM
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check this one
Strats from chapter 3
Maybe this will help

Old February 23rd, 2007, 04:51 PM
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Nope couldn't get it to work using this code.

Do the authors ever respond here? I'd really like to get this working with SQL Server 2005.

ASP.NET, have you jumped to chapter 19 yet to try that code listing?

Thanks for your help!

Old February 24th, 2007, 12:16 AM
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:) I had spend about 9- hours on this example yesterday.
... I don't think this will work in SQl Server 2005.
I Installed the Express -version on top of the Full SqlServer2005 Version, and everything started working.

Try Install the express on top of it.
I still see my SQLServer2005 like a standard non Express.
Seems like Express version had added just some additional files, and 19-2 started working! just fine!
Don't waste your time. I spend a 9 Hours already On this one.
After all i decided... MAAN that's it! enough with this CRAP! Fu** it
Install Express on top And "rest in peace".
Old February 24th, 2007, 03:32 PM
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Hey Michael I'm Back.
I just wanted to say that, Seems like this feature is disabled in Regular SqlServer2005.
The point is this, as I saw from the Forums, people say, that Most of the Internet Providers use Express Version. Another words, someone said that InetProviders Simply don't need the full functionality of the Regular SqlServer 2005.So for me it sound's like Microsoft CUT this feature from the Full Version SQl2005 Server. Why I don't have any Idea!??????
If you still can Install the express version on top of the regular one,just do it.
If you can't, or don't want to do this, Simply keep seartching.
But I'll tell you the truth.
By working with Listing 19-2 we receiving an error that says
You must have An SQLServerExpress installed on your PC
This is more than just an error, from this error I realised that My chances to make this work is equals to ZERO. Just because of this Little explanation from the error that says: You must have an Express version.
....Yep looks like after installing express over the regular one everything works fine. and the FullVersion SqlServer2005 Works fine.
I can say for sure I don't really see drastical changes made by Express version.
Everything looks pretty much the same.
Good luck with the example Michael
See ya!

I still think that there's some kind of disinforation about this issue.
Sounds Stupid to me. Because, why bother to setup 2 different Sql versions istead just one. The full one!(SqlServer2005) Not the Express
I wish that the life was easy, but Microsoft decided to do, what the wanna do(By removing this feature from the full version), and the authors of this book decided do not talk about simple problems that can save OUR time as readers "Students".
I mean if someone had explained it before, i wouldn't begin it at all, by using SqlServer2005. Knowing that this is not going to work.
Why bother to EXPLORE a wheel, instead simply riding the car :))))
Seems like they really don't care about You and me and the others.
Take an example, try to run it, and if it's not working forget about it.
It was a JOKE :)))) probably you will find the answer in your A** :)
This book was like that from the beginning a lot of "blah-blah" Instead really focused information.
I like the authors of this book. they smart but Lazy :)
Old February 24th, 2007, 07:05 PM
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Well I'm glad it wasn't just me, I was going crazy!!

I do have SQL Express installed, I just stopped the service when trying to get it to run with SQL 2005.

With everything that was said in the thread I think the authors should add errata to this chapter removing any references to SQL 7.0/SQL 2000/SQL 2005 when it comes to providers.

Asp.Net, thank you for taking the time to trouble shoot this with me. I was able to get it to the point of attempting to loggin to SQL 2005 but always had connectivity issues, named pipes or shared memory were always the errors I would get. If there is additional configuration that is required I couldn't find it anywhere.

I would still love to hear from the authors on this issue, where are they? Wrox get your act together and get questions like this resolved!


Old March 2nd, 2007, 09:46 AM
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There seems to be a lot of confusion about the provider model and how to employ its true power. In short, the rationale behind the provider model is to provide a common data access interface regardless of the underlying data store. The personalization provider is no exception to this and can be used with SQL Server 2005.

There are 2 steps involved to get there:
  • Creating the database tables and stored procedures:
    The .NET framework ships with the aspnet_regsql.exe tool located at %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\. It can be used either in wizard mode to create all provider tables and stored procedures or from the command line if you require more finegrained control. Type
    aspnet_regsql -?
    for a list of available options. You may also need to grant execute permission to the account under which the ASP.NET runtime executes on your server (NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE by default).
  • Setting up the appropriate connection string:
    By default every web application ultimately inherits default settings from %SYSTEMROOT%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CO NFIG\machine.config. The important piece is the connection string named LocalSqlServer which by default is set up to connect to a SQL Server 2005 Express Edition database. To override this setting add the following to your application's web.config file:
            <remove name="LocalSqlServer" />
            <add name="LocalSqlServer" ... />
    For a more elaborate explanation of the connection strings refer to http://connectionstrings.com/.
Both aspnet_regsql and web.config are fairly basic tools and described throughout the book more often than one would expect given the title is Professional ASP.NET 2.0.

Best regards,
Tim Weis
Old March 4th, 2007, 12:29 AM
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Well I knew from the beginning that the fix is right there.
I knew that the main problem is somewhere in the Roots:))
yep I was thinking about premission, and the acount it self, because I do remember that I could't get this sqlclient connect my sql server 2005.
This one is still interesting. I will work on this.
Thanks for reply!T. Weis

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